Sistro duo performing E, by Simon Løffler, Door andere handen by Jesse Broekman, and ONE, by Anna Thorvaldsdottir
Live in Radiohusets Koncertsal, 20.01.2021
Excerpts from “Le corps à corps” for speaking percussionist and zarb, by George Aperghis
ÅNYO performing Marin Marais, Muzette
Danish premiere of the “Concerto for marimba and string orchestra” by Peter Klatzow
Excerpts from the live concert on 20/01/2018
Music for suspended elements, an installation by George Koutsouris
Performed in Pulsar Festival Opening in Charlottenborg, Copenhagen 2016
KIMI ensemble performing “Andante” byThuriður Jónsdóttir
in Musikhuset København, in December 2022.